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Tutti i filmati di Mostra Communication

Totale: 69

4) - Supports SMEs: Truesound, rescue the true sound of the past.

Craftsmen and scientists join together for the true sound from the past.
Baroque music. To some this sound is the Voice of God himself. It's music which contains astonishing virtuoso sounds when played on an imposing historical organ.
These majestic instruments are veritable orchestras in their own right. The wealth of sound comes from the skills of the organ builders from years gone by.
The expertise of craftsmen. But, over time, some essential parts of that expertise have been lost...
Interviews:Henk van Eeken: Organ Builder, Netherlands.
Brigitte Baretzky: ... continua

Flu Pandemic: EU getting ready for global response

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is still present in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks in the world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua

5) - Supports SMEs: Low Heat, for the ecological hoyse of the future.

Imaginative SMEs for the ecological House of the Future
Every year, everywhere across Europe, waste hot water is going down the drain with no attempt to recover that heat that is being lost. So why is nothing on the market to recover this energy and put the energy back into the house?.
Interviews:Darren Woodcock: PERA Innovation - Low Heat Project Manager.
Cristopher Robert Simpson: CRS, Engineering - Heat Pipe Design.
Kevin Allsop: Robert Prettie Plumbing Services.
Dale Courtman: The institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering.
John Hill: PERA Innovation - ... continua

Countering the Resistance of Bacteria to Antibiotics

Eighty kilometres from Stockolm, near the town of Uppsala, lies Anders Kjellerby's farm. As well as cattle, there's a heard of 180 pigs and every year the farm produces4.200 piglets. There are very tough restrictions including a maximum weaning age of 4 weeks and a complete ban on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters.As Anders explains, Sweden was in fact the first European country to adopt such a ban, back in 1986.
Anders Kjellerby,Farmer in UppsalaStaffan Normark, Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Sweden Birgitta Henriques, ... continua

Freiner la déforestation

La réduction de l'extrême pauvreté figure parmi le shuit objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. L'accès à l'énergie est essentiel au développement dans la réalisation de cet objectif mais lamenace du changement climatique vient compliquer l'équation. Toute augmentation de la production d'énergie va de pair avec une augmentation desémissions de CO2.
En tant que principaux émetteurs de CO2, les pays du Nord ont la responsabilité morale d'aider les pays en développement à promouvoir desénergies propres ou sobres en carbone.
À Madagascar, la ... continua

European Railway Priority Projects

If we want a competitive Europe that creates jobs, then people and goods have to be able to move around easily and quickly, and without harming the environment.That is the aim of the trans-European transport network, a huge continental-scale programme that will interconnect the national transport infrastructures to create a genuine trans-European network.
Clip 1: The trans-European transport network TEN-TClip 2: High-speed rail axis in the southwest of EuropeClip 3: Lyon-Budapest priority rail axisClip 4: Paris-Bratislava priority rail axisClip 5: Warsaw-Helsinki ... continua

Europe leads the fight against climate change

The European Union has been leading international efforts to fight climate change since global warming first moved onto the political agenda in the late 1980s. Europe has been instrumental in the development of both the United Nations convention to combat climate change and of its Kyoto Protocol. Interviews:Matthias Duwe: Climate Action Network. Jos Delbeke: Director of climate change policy - European Comision. Vincent Michel:Holcim. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Safer chemicals within REACH

The report was filmed partially in Spain, on the site of the Ardystil tragedy, where six workers died and another 80 were disabled in 1992 as a result of the spraying of chemical products. The film presents the guidelines of the REACH Regulation and shows the efforts of the textile industry to apply the substitution principle and to keep dangerous products out of fabric used for clothing. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Talking Allergies and Asthma with a Europe-wide Approach

Millions of people in Europe are allergic to springtime, due to the higher pollen count. Others suffer all year long because of their allergic reaction to certain chemicals. Interviews: Professor Peter Burney,Imperial College, London, UKProfessor Sven-Erik Dahlén, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SwedenDr. Stephen Durhan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Visit the site: www.mostra.com

Tackling Europe's Falling Birth Rate

The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
In many European companies people in their 50s like Pasi and Rita don't have a very good image. Too expensive, not flexible enough, they are pushed towards early retirement. In Finland, it's the opposite. Older workers are valued, because the baby boom generation is ten years ahead of the rest of the European Union. Born just after the War, Finnish baby boomers are apporaching retirement, but the reinforcements aren't there yet. As a result, Finland adapting and developing programmes to ... continua